43 sentricon recruit hd label
PDF LABEL COVER SHEET - Lincoln Pest Control LABEL COVER SHEET Recruit® HD 62719-608 EPA Accepted : 4/27/11 Label Code: 900 -018048 Changes by amendment 4/27/11: ... Installation of Recruit HD Install Sentricon stations around the target site at intervals not to exceed 20 feet where soil access is not restricted. If the structural foundation is known Sentricon Recruit HD Termite Bait Refills - DoItYourself.com It doesn't look like we can purchase Sentricon; only pest control companies. It's not a "restricted use pesticide" but it's more of a company/manufacturer policy. Since retirement, I purchase personal use supplies from this firm and I found this statement on their site. I don't know how Sentricon is for sale on Amazon.
Recruit HD Gets U.S. Patent - Sentricon The highly dense formulation is important as Recruit ® HD is the only termite bait labeled for an annual service schedule. Each Recruit HD bait contains 150 grams of bait material, more than enough to eliminate a typical termite colony. The patent for Recruit HD comes during the 20th anniversary of the Sentricon System.
Sentricon recruit hd label
Sentricon AlwaysActive | Corteva Agriscience Corteva Agriscience™ / Products and Solutions / Sentricon AlwaysActive Sentricon AlwaysActive Termiticide Sentricon IG (In-Ground) Termiticide Rods protect your home from termites and have the benefits of both chemical barriers and bait stations, without any of their drawbacks. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, Recruit HD, 4/27/2011 M7A / Recruit HD / MSTR Amend /04-25-11 Page 5 If present, remove shrink wrap from Recruit HD. Place Recruit HD in each Sentricon station upon station installation. Recruit HD may also be placed in previously installed Sentricon stations upon removal of the existing monitoring device or bait. Service of Recruit HD Sentricon Terms & Conditions | American Pest 1. Install Sentricon® System termite bait stations (the "Stations") in the soil around the outside perimeter of the structures specified above (the "Structures"); 2. Inspect and service those Stations according to the label directions for the term of this agreement; 3. Replenish Recruit®HD termite as appropriate; 4. Inform the ...
Sentricon recruit hd label. PDF Sentricon Recruit III Ag Label - pestsupplystore.com Recruit II in the Sentricon System stations used in ground. However, ... Recruit III AG" section of this label. 4 Specimen Label Revised 05-21-03 Warranty Disclaimer Dow AgroSciences warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on Sentricon® Has the Best Bait (Recruit® HD Termite Bait) Pest management professionals share their experiences with the Sentricon® System and discuss the efficacy of Recruit® HD termite bait.Certified Sentricon Spe... Recruit HD - Termite Bait - Pest Control Technology - PCT Online Recruit HD - Termite Bait - Pest Control Technology Recruit HD - Termite Bait September 11, 2010 Dow AgroSciences Termite Control RECRUIT HD is a bait for use in an integrated system for subterranean termite control in structures. PDF Bait Replacement Education: Bait Fact Sheet - Corteva Bait Replacement Education: Bait Fact Sheet - Corteva
Green Termite Control | Sentricon Always Active | Sawyer Exterminating Green Termite Control | Sentricon Always Active | Sawyer Exterminating : 11 : Min KEEP BUGS AT A DISTANCE. GET GREEN PEST CONTROL FOR ONLY $39/MONTH* BUNDLE GREEN TERMITE CONTROL & SAVE! Join our Bundle & Save Program - Green Elite Plus - by combining Green Services. PDF Specimen Label Read the entire label. Use only according to label ... devices containing Recruit IV and auxiliary Sentricon station(s) per directions in section 2 of this label. Baited Sentricon stations may be inspected monthly or bimonthly. If, upon reinspection, more than 75% of the Baitube device contents have been consumed in one or more stations, subsequent reinspection should occur more frequently. PDF Recruit HD Label Recruit HD is inspected manually for detection of termites, termite activity, or to identify the need to replace Recruit HD. If Recruit HD is more than 1/3 depleted, replace it with new Recruit HD. If possible, gently tap the termites from the used Recruit HD into the Sentricon station containing the new Recruit HD, being careful to not injure ... New Recruit HD Inspection Interval Approved Nationwide A new label amendment now gives Authorized Operators of the Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System with Always Active technology an extra 30 days beyond the annual inspection date. ... This 30-day service cushion provides additional flexibility for annual service of Recruit HD termite bait in the event of busy schedules, weather-related ...
PDF Specimen Label - Home Paramount Recruit HD is inspected manually for detection of termites, termite activity, or to identify the need to r e than 1/3 depleted, r termites from the used Recruit HD into the Sentricon station containing the new Recruit HD, being careful to not injur oduce these termites after the new Recruit HD has been installed into the Sentricon stations ... Product Labels & Safety Data Sheets - Sentricon Find and download any product labels or safety data sheets here. Find and download any product labels or safety data sheets here. Skip Navigation. Articles Support Pay My Bill. Go Back. Menu ... PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, RECRUIT IV, 02/09/2007 Recruit IV was developed to be used in the Sentricon® System which represents an integrated pest management approach for the elimination of subterranean termite colonies, including Coplolermes, Reticulitermes, and Heterotermes spp. and is intended to form the basis of an on-going program ... U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, RECRUIT IV, 02/09 ... Sentricon - American Pest Control Sentricon. 1. An American Pest Control technician will perform a thorough inspection of the property prior to installation. 2. The technician then installs Sentricon® stations around the perimeter of your home. 3. The Sentricon® stations will be inspected once a year to renew the Recruit® HD termite bait and identify possible activity. 4. A ...
Pest Control - Termite - Rodent - Weed Fertilization Sentricon Always Active bait, Recruit HD, poses no hazard to groundwater and has no label restrictions for use around wells and cisterns. The Sentricon System was registered under the Reduced Risk Pesticide Initiative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and it is the only termite control product ever to receive the Presidential Green ...
Dow AgroSciences: Recruit HD Pest Management Professional PMP Sponsor. December 9, 2015. The patented Recruit HD termite bait is featured in the Sentricon System with Always Active technology. Its formulation uses a highly dense cellulose bait matrix containing noviflumuron as its active ingredient. In field research, the bait formulation has remained effective for nearly a decade.
PDF Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: RECRUIT* HD Bait Device Issue Date: 11/02/2009 Page 2 of 8 Ingestion: Very low toxicity if swallowed. Harmful effects not anticipated from swallowing small amounts. Cancer Information: For the active ingredient(s): Has caused cancer in laboratory animals. Dose levels producing these effects were many times higher than any dose levels expected from exposure
PDF Sentricon Label - American Pest Recruit Il te -l Monitoring is aaii: the noi as areas, and lather near "r Systë*TiS). Lit-'til 30 in then are . 2:. Created Date: 9/20/2002 11:01:05 AM ...
Why Always Active™ Technology Matters to Homeowners - Sentricon 2. More palatable than wood and better with time More than 70 studies demonstrate the proven efficacy of the Sentricon system. Multiple research studies show that Recruit ® HD termite bait is preferred by termites more than 10 times over wood and that in-ground bait stations become more palatable to termites over time — not less.
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - LabelSDS product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. 5. FIREFIGHTING MEASURES. Suitable extinguishing media: Water. ... Product name: RECRUIT™ HD Bait Device Issue Date: 03/19/2018 Page 7 of 14 . Acute inhalation toxicity.
Sentricon® Always Active™ | North Fulton Pest Solutions In fact, the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System with Always Active™ Technology is the ONLY termite baiting system that features Recruit® HD (active termite bait) in every single station from the date of installation, providing continuous termite protection 24/7 365 days a year! Recruit® HD provides continuous property protection.
Sentricon® | The No. 1 Bait System for Termite Control The No. 1 Brand in Termite Protection Here's why: The Sentricon ® system is scientifically designed to eliminate the entire subterranean termite colony — including its queen. Never had termites? Keep it that way with Sentricon. FIND A PROFESSIONAL Homeowner Solutions Property Manager Services Builder Services Take the Risk Assessment Learn More
PDF Recruit HD AG - LabelSDS M7A / Recruit HD AG / Amend / 03-23-15 Page 1 (base label): Recruit HD AG termite bait must be used in conjunction with a service provided by a pest management professional licensed by the state to apply termite control products. Recruit® HD AG TERMITE BAIT A termite bait for use as an above-ground delivery system for elimination of
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Burgess Pest Product name: RECRUIT™ HD Bait Device Issue Date: 05/26/2015 Page 2 of 12 Cellulose 9004-34-6 67.6% Octadecanoic acid, calcium salt 1592-23- 2.0% Balance Not available 29.9% 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Description of first aid measures General advice: First Aid responders should pay attention to self-protection and use the
Green Termite Control | Sentricon Termite Treatment Green Termite Control | Sentricon Termite Treatment BUNDLE GREEN TERMITE CONTROL & SAVE! Join our Bundle & Save Program - Green Elite Plus - by combining Green Services. Benefits include convenient billing, low monthly payments, and significant discounts on bundled services! Green Elite Plus includes: Green Termite Protection Green Pest Control
Sentricon Terms & Conditions | American Pest 1. Install Sentricon® System termite bait stations (the "Stations") in the soil around the outside perimeter of the structures specified above (the "Structures"); 2. Inspect and service those Stations according to the label directions for the term of this agreement; 3. Replenish Recruit®HD termite as appropriate; 4. Inform the ...
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, Recruit HD, 4/27/2011 M7A / Recruit HD / MSTR Amend /04-25-11 Page 5 If present, remove shrink wrap from Recruit HD. Place Recruit HD in each Sentricon station upon station installation. Recruit HD may also be placed in previously installed Sentricon stations upon removal of the existing monitoring device or bait. Service of Recruit HD
Sentricon AlwaysActive | Corteva Agriscience Corteva Agriscience™ / Products and Solutions / Sentricon AlwaysActive Sentricon AlwaysActive Termiticide Sentricon IG (In-Ground) Termiticide Rods protect your home from termites and have the benefits of both chemical barriers and bait stations, without any of their drawbacks.
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